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Broken Items

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:16 am
by [TBU] CrazyKid
I came up with this idea this morning while playing the server.

I thought that when you break a tool, such as the miner for example, it should stay broken even if you inventory it. This would make it so that when your tool breaks, it's actually required that you fix it at some point. Maybe have it set so that when it breaks you must install a couple spare parts in order for it to become working again.

To prevent people from just picking their tool back up and placing it down again and it being 100% fixed, it could be inventoried as "Broken Sonic Miner" or something like that.

Could this be done on other tools? Such as the radar, FM radio, etc. I thought it would be an awesome idea.

Re: Broken Items

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:47 am
by DevilsNipple
i like this idea, always thought it should stay broken in the inv. and i love the idea of needing certain parts to repair it. maybe instead of parts to fix it you need a fixing tool for all items to be fixed, maybe for smaller things it takes 1 fixer tool; and for larger you need 2 or 3 to fix it.

Re: Broken Items

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:24 am
by CmdZoidberg
If this works, could perhaps also tweek the system slightly to give plants a life cycle. Unsure how said life cycle would be best implimented though... Number of gaming hours in use, number of oranges produced, a gradual timer which ticks down since the plant is first made... Something to make them less ludicrous as sources of food. Because as anyone who's looked at my vendors or inside my orange bin (yes I have a storage dedicated for just oranges) at present a single cultivator with a few plants can grow enough food to practically sustain the entire server with ample supplies still left over.

Re: Broken Items

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:31 am
by DevilsNipple
100% agree. Plants are too op

Re: Broken Items

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:23 pm
by eldarstorm
Cant really do this with the current method of storing players inventory or items. What you are talking about is possible, but if we were to do this, it should have been done from the get go. As it is at this point we would have to rewrite the whole inventory system and a few other systems in order to put this into affect.

Re: Broken Items

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:57 pm
by LostInTheWired
We could do it without as much effort as you think, eldar. A basic flag like we do for critical generators could do it, or we could just add the generator flag to anything that's broken. The BlockF2 one.

Re: Broken Items

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:08 pm
by [TBU] CrazyKid
Here's the full picture I had in my head:

A miner is out, gets broken. Once at 0% health it changes into a totally separate entity (like, it changes it's properties, or just respawns as a totally different entity) and when you pick it back up, it is a "Broken miner" instead of a "miner".