
PostNukeRP Gamemode Suggestions


Postby Grandmahhhhhhhh » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:15 pm

My idea would be some sort of exoskeleton suit that could increase your max armor to 150-200, but would slow down your sprint speed drastically. To avoid miss use of this it could be usable by all classes except scavenger. Also it should be expensive so not everybody can have one. Maybe it could have it's own suit charger to charge it past 100.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby sarah.meep » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:26 pm

I think its a great idea, though i think instead of scavengers, put wastelanders insead. becuase of the fact of there health is so high, and because of the endurence,(when its high you can be out in storms).

But its an awesome idea, would be cool to have things like this in the mod


Okay, after talking about it... it might be a great idea for the wastelanders. because of the fact they they aer the tanks of the mod, and it would encurage people to use that class more often, And maybe encurage more raiding and gard duty in the game. :)
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby Zante » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:42 pm

I love this idea as It would increase the amount of gaurds and such being hired, giving people a new way to earn materials, I agree 100% with this and I'd love to see it added.

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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby LostInTheWired » Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:17 pm

It's an interesting idea. I definitely don't know what models/ect we'd use for it though, and you'd need some way to to tell people apart. Well, just give it a look see. If you find any good models for it, I might look into it closer.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby Face » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:59 pm

Frankly I think that this isn't a good idea.
Granted, alot of people want it, but if you really hate the storm that much you can:
A: Man it out
B: as mentioned above, switch to Wastelander and up your Endurance
C: Invest in armor charges
D: Stay inside and wait it out.

But if the almighty devs are really interested in putting this in, then I won't stop them. Might I recommend the HEV suit? I know there are tons of playermodels for it. Outdated for sure, but nothing you or anyone on Facepunch can't fix.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby DevilsNipple » Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:23 am

I agree with face here. I mean suit armour rairly gets used as it is so I don't see a point in raising it higher. If the storm is your reasoning for this then I'd go back with my radiation suit idea. As for this idea helping body guards, well Noone really bothers with hiring guards so its just gonna be miss used for rich players who are allready hard enough to kill if your a noob and now they would all have even harder armour. All this will a achieve is for every newcommer to not stand a chance against other players who are on.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby Grandmahhhhhhhh » Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:23 pm

The idea isn't to protect you from storms, more or less just for PvP/PvE use. And as for "All this will achieve is for every newcommer to not stand a chance against other players who are on." That's their own fault if they're trying to kill/rob you like most newcommers do. If somebody tries to stab me in the back or the head at least I'd have a chance to run back and defend myself with 100+ armor.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby Grandmahhhhhhhh » Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:25 pm

Plus it would be good if you're facing a guard or several mobs at once.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby CmdZoidberg » Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:15 am

I'm all for new shiney suits! The biggest handicap I personally feel this piece of kit should need is that it can -only- be recharged by a dedicated charging pad set up for the suit and fed suit batteries. Being able to top up your shields on the run with this thing would just seem a little too much I feel. Next to that should be a monumental cost for the suit itself and the charging pad. And I agree with Grand on the balance issue of Newcomer Vs. Veteran. Veterans have worked their way to getting this stuff. They shouldn't be on equal footing with a newbie with a knife so this argument is completely arbitrary.
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Re: Exoskeleton

Postby Templer66 » Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:20 pm

If you guys are looking for an exoskeleton model what about Stalker models? http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=41037
You can also get them threw the addons page just look for Stalker. They cover the face so one kind will cover all the players models.
Image I would love some kind of armor so I think this should make it in Even if you don't use these models.
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